January 2022 A Blossom on 'Kewpie' in its Winter Quarters
Two Kewpie oleanders have been blooming since Christmas. They will continue to bloom, as they have plump inflorescences. The conditions: They are housed with hundreds of small and medium-sized oleanders in a large space in an outbuilding. The temperature is 10-15 degrees C (50-59 degrees F), therefore actually a little too warm for completely cool overwintering. The lighting conditions are not good. There are too few windows for the large area, and light can shine in only through an arcade. Most of the oleanders are closely packed next to each other and receive only dim light. The Kewpies are in fact located near a window, however, it faces north and is under an awning. Consequently, the flowers do not look like proper Kewpie blossoms; they are whitish with only a pink tinge or edge. Still, it is astounding that they are willing to bloom and have the strength to do so. Among the almost innumerable overwintering oleanders over the years, this is only the second time this has happened. Two years ago, a blossom opened on 'Sorrento' precisely on December 24 as a "Christmas miracle".
W. Hufnagl/Austria/EU
February 1, 2021, Nerium News, Newsletter of the International Oleander Society
'Preserving the rare Henry’s Red,' by James Nicholas, page 2
Frost hardiness from 'Hardy red', by James Nicholas, Oleander House, page 3