Oleanders in the snow  

OLEANDER HAUS, Nerium oleander, overwintering oleanders outdoors
OLEANDER HAUS, Nerium oleander, overwintering oleanders outdoors
OLEANDER HAUS, Nerium oleander, overwintering oleanders outdoors


It has snowed and gotten cold – down to -8 C (+ 17 F) during the night. The oleanders by the wall of the house are still unprotected; they’ll get some protection in the next few days. We’ll see if they come through without any damage. 

The bush in the open meadow, at any rate, has been well-packed. As a simple heat source for the cold nights, there is a 40-watt light bulb. Meanwhile, the “house construction” has gotten interrupted for a few days.

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Kommentare: 3
  • #1

    ubaTaeCJ (Dienstag, 28 Mai 2024 11:18)


  • #2

    ubaTaeCJ (Dienstag, 28 Mai 2024 13:36)


  • #3

    ubaTaeCJ (Dienstag, 28 Mai 2024 13:37)
